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Books Shared:Literacy Tip:
Extend the story to explore various modalities of learning. The more ways a child is able to experience a topic, the better the retention of information. Visual and auditory learning are the most obvious, as children hear and see the story, but try expanding on this with tactile (touching), verbal, and social lessons to name a few. Using the stories read this week, some examples might include: Tactile - make a homemade pizza, allowing your child to knead the dough, spread the sauce, and sprinkle the cheese, Verbal - ask questions and allow your child time to relate answers (sometimes it is best to read the story through a first time, before re-reading and asking questions as this allows for a better flow of understanding), Social - take a friend along on your next visit to the pizza place!
Songs and Movement
Pizza Man
Pat a cake, Pat a cake, Pizza man (clap to the rhythm) Make me a pizza as fast as you can (shake finger) Roll it (roll hands) Toss it (toss imaginary pizza dough in the air) Sprinkle it with cheese (sprinkle) Put it in the oven (open the "door" and push the pizza in) And bake it fast, please!
Books Shared:Literacy Tip:
Every time you re-read a book to a child, you and your child will discover new things. It might be something in a picture, or a joke you missed the first time around. In The Great Thanksgiving Food Fight, the names of author Michael G. Lewis' children and wife are hidden throughout the book, along with some other little notes. On subsequent readings of There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves!, encourage your child to remember the sequence of events by following the pictures.
Extension Activities
1. Create a list of things to be thankful for.
2. Create your own zany "There Was an Old Lady" story. 3. Talk about your favorite fall/Thanksgiving traditions. Other Fun Ideas to Try:
Books Shared:Literacy Tip:
Choose stories about events and milestones in your child's life. Start the discussion about dreams and aspirations while your child is young. If he/she shows interest in a particular job, read additional stories to enhance his/her understanding. Encourage dress up and pretend play. Who knows? You may be the parent of a future astronaut, firefighter, teacher, or scientist!
Storytime Craft Project
Create a frame using fun colored shapes. Have your child draw a picture of what "you want to be when you grow up." This can be a self portrait, a tool used on the job, a building or vehicle, etc. (Note: while the photo above shows a black background, you will want to change this to white or allow your child to use chalk for their drawing.)
Hello Song
Hello friends, Hello friends, Hello friends, It's time to say hello. Goodbye Song
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January 2024
HoursMon.: 2-7pm
Tues.: 9am-6pm Wed.: 9am-6pm Thurs.: 9am-6pm Fri.: 9am-1pm Sat.: 9am-1pm |